Adv Pharm Bull. 2017;7(2): 251-259.
doi: 10.15171/apb.2017.030
PMID: 28761827
PMCID: PMC5527239
Scopus ID: 85021391660
  Abstract View: 1948
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Research Article

Spectroscopic and Spectrometric Methods Used for the Screening of Certain Herbal Food Supplements Suspected of Adulteration

Cristina Mateescu 1, Anca Mihaela Popescu 1,2*, Gabriel Lucian Radu 2, Tatiana Onisei 1, Adina Elena Raducanu 1

1 National Office for Medicinal, Aromatic Plants and Bee Products - National Research and Development Institute for Food Bioresources – IBA Bucharest, 6 Dinu Vintila Str., 021102, Bucharest, Romania.
2 Faculty of Applied Chemistry and Materials Science - University Politehnica of Bucharest, 1-7 Polizu Str., 011061, Bucharest, Romania.
*Corresponding Author: Email: anca_popescu34@yahoo.com


Purpose: This study was carried out in order to find a reliable method for the fast detection of adulterated herbal food supplements with sexual enhancement claims. As some herbal products are advertised as “all natural”, their “efficiency” is often increased by addition of active pharmaceutical ingredients such as PDE-5 inhibitors, which can be a real health threat for the consumer.

Methodes: Adulterants, potentially present in 50 herbal food supplements with sexual improvement claims, were detected using 2 spectroscopic methods - Raman and Fourier Transform Infrared - known for reliability, reproductibility, and an easy sample preparation. GC-MS technique was used to confirm the potential adulterants spectra.

Results: About 22% (11 out of 50 samples) of herbal food supplements with sexual enhancement claims analyzed by spectroscopic and spectrometric methods proved to be "enriched" with active pharmaceutical compounds such as: sildenafil and two of its analogues, tadalafil and phenolphthalein. The occurence of phenolphthalein could be the reason for the non-relevant results obtained by FTIR method in some samples. 91% of the adulterated herbal food supplements were originating from China.

Conclusion: The results of this screening highlighted the necessity for an accurate analysis of all alleged herbal aphrodisiacs on the Romanian market. This is a first such a screening analysis carried out on herbal food supplements with sexual enhancement claims.

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Submitted: 05 Dec 2016
Revision: 11 May 2017
Accepted: 15 May 2017
ePublished: 30 Jun 2017
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