Adv Pharm Bull. 2019;9(4): 619-623.
doi: 10.15171/apb.2019.071
PMID: 31857966
PMCID: PMC6912186
Scopus ID: 85075841241
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Research Article

Immunomodulatory Activities of Sambucus javanica Extracts in DMBAExposed BALB/c Mouse

Wira Eka Putra 1 ORCID logo, Muhaimin Rifa'i 2* ORCID logo

1 Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia.
2 Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Brawijaya University, Indonesia.
*Corresponding Author: Email: rifa123@u.ac.id


Purpose: Accumulating evidence shows the genus of Sambucus exerts a broad spectrum of medicinal potencies such as anticancer, antiviral, antibacterial, and antidiabetes. Based on the previous studies, we hypothesized that bioactive compounds of Sambucus might alter several biological systems, including the immune system. Therefore, this study extensively aimed to evaluate the immunomodulatory activities of Sambucus javanica extracts in 7,12-dimethylbenz[a] anthracene (DMBA)-treated BALB/c mouse.

Methods: The experimental mice were orally administrated with 2.8 mg.kg-1 BW of DMBA for ten times within a month. After that, the mice were treated by S. javanica berries and leaves extracts for 2 weeks. Subsequently, the inflammation rate was evaluated by using flow cytometry analysis, whereas the necrosis incidences were observed by hematoxylin & eosin staining.

Results: Based on the results, we found the expression of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) and interferon gamma (IFN-ɣ) were increased however after treated by S. javanica berries and leaves extracts were significantly decreased. In the same way, necrosis incidence was increased in the DMBA-treated group however it was diminished with S. javanica extracts treatment.

Conclusion: Together, these results suggested that S. javanica extracts have immunomodulatory activities to suppress inflammation and reduce necrosis incidence in experimental mice.

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Submitted: 18 Feb 2019
Revision: 31 May 2019
Accepted: 01 Jun 2019
ePublished: 24 Oct 2019
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