arezoo karami

, Masumeh Staji

, Roya Fattahi, Masoud Soleimani, Hamidreza Moosavian, Simzar Hosseinzadeh
Purpose: we investigated the synergistic influence of amnion and keratinocytes on dermal regeneration in mice. Method: A scaffold derived from amnion and gelatin via electrospinning was used to synthesize a polyurethane-based scaffold. polyurethane/gelatin/amnion (PU/G/A) scaffold was characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), FTIR, and tensile test. biocompatibility of the corresponding scaffold was investigated using the MTT method in the culture of keratinocytes. Results: The SEM images showed sufficient cell adhesion on the PU/G/A scaffold. The tensile test results indicated that the scaffold containing PU/G/A with the lowest Young's modulus (12 MPa ± 2.1) displayed higher elasticity than the scaffold without amnion. Furthermore, the MTT assay revealed that the amniotic scaffold contributed to 100% cell viability(P≤0.0001 compared to control) and proliferation. Moreover, an in vivo study conducted on mice showed that the PU/G/A/ keratinocytes scaffold results in increased granulation, tissue formation and wound closure(P<0.001 compared to control). Conclusion:This innovative nanofiber device not only addresses the limitations of traditional dressings but also offers additional functionalities such as wound compatibility, gas exchange, promotion of angiogenesis in the injured area and a substrate that amplifies the biological functions of stem cells.